Thursday, August 23, 2012

Here's a peak into Maura Moynihan's second tennis story, about 'Murphfit' (who's name has taken on new meaning since getting into shape with tennis)  illustration artwork by  
Nina Mateyunas  

In this illustration, Murphfit wonders if the foam tennis ball came from a real sea sponge!
The frantic search for Murph's camera

His friends console him as Murph prays to find his lost camera

 Andre Cougar cheers Rafa on as his drop shot ends the game! 

Murph and Gav on the LIRR admiring their souvenirs

Back at home in Florida practicing on the 10 and Under Tennis kit in his driveway while his mom shows his friends some Yoga stretches

Sunday, June 24, 2012

About Maura's First Children's Tennis Book...


Murphy Bear's Tennis Lesson is not only an entertaining story but can be utilized as a basic guide to tennis.
Murphy the main character is feeling "blah" and is a little out of shape. He doesn't know how to make new friends. His dad signs him up for a tennis lesson. Murphy rides his bike and encounters a pesky pelican that follows him to the courts. Murphy meets Miss Angel Hare, the tennis pro. She is patient and encouraging but Murphy finds tennis quite challenging. The pelican circles the court and adds to his frustration. A surprising set back occurs but in his eagerness to meet new friends he keeps on trying to get the ball over the net. He realizes tennis is fun! After a few weeks of practice he is feeling fit and becomes a better player. He finally joins the team and makes new friends. His picture gets posted on the bulletin board for being part of, "Tennis the sport for a lifetime" "Fantastic Fun Forever Fit" Tennis tips are in the back of the book.
Click here to order!
"I read Murphy Bear's Tennis Lesson and thought it was terrific."

  – Chris Evert
     Tennis legend & Champion
"I give Murphy Bear an "A". I like the contents and the drawings…….And it's all wrapped around "fun"!"

  – Vic Braden
     School Psychologist, Founder of Vic Braden Tennis College,
     Author and Legendary Tennis Coach